As we search for our new rector, join in our prayer:

Prayer for the Interim Time

Faithful and loving God,
you are always with us even when we feel most alone.
Be with us in the interim time of waiting and exploring.
give us ears to hear your still small voice
and eyes to see your light on our path ahead
and open hand to receive the gifts you have for us
and open hearts to love you and one another
and all who come to us.
in the name of Jesus Christ who live and died and rose
all so that we might all have abundance of life,
and bring blessing to the world, amen

Thank you for your interest in St. Aidan’s.

Our Parish Profile can be found here, along with details
on how to apply for the position of Rector.
We’re looking forward to entering a new chapter in our parish life,
and invite you to explore our Profile and this website
as you consider the next steps in your ministry.

We hope to hire a half-time rector.

 Parish Profile

prayer for a new rector

Most gracious God,

We thank you for providing for our needs during these past months as we have worked to care for one another and to be good stewards of this sacred space. We have been blessed by those you have sent to us to lead our worship and to encourage us during this transition. Now, O Lord, we turn our thoughts toward the future and the person who will journey with us in the years ahead.

We believe that the person who will become our next rector is hearing your voice and is preparing to respond to your call. We ask that our hearts and minds be open to receive and welcome our new pastor, and the courage to move into the future with the assurance of your loving care. And in moments of uncertainty, may we find comfort in the knowledge that your timing is always perfect.

We offer this prayer in the name of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.